I don't have a title for this one. I'm not even sure what this is about? The woman puts the seeds in and the guy harvests the flower? I don't know? I think I want to ink this and color this and make a collage or something. Can someone tell me what this is about? Really? Because I don't know.
I need to get started on marking cards this year! I'm all out of ideas though. ;_; And I'm really tired and have no more money.
Post a Comment 1 comments:
Your male characters always seem to have a certain something about them XD I think they are always interesting. And then the girls, lately it seems they look a bit aggressive XD
My mind tells me the angel/ghost is doing something mischievous, a crime maybe, hiding some loot, that only the boy knows and it's up to him whether to tell someone or not. On the other hand, he looks very aloof
I totally forgot about the holidays coming up. It's a good idea to make cards :O
November 27, 2007 at 10:58 AM