浪漫菖蒲 / Roman shobu

An online sketch journal for the person who runs saicoink.

2008/02/25 Meet Berault!

I went away for a while! And I did some things and tried not to be so melancholy. I made a new friend. He lived in a kit for two years and then I finally had some free time, and he was born in a day.

Say hello to Berault, a happy penguin with the red scarf. I don't know what happened to the red scarf now. Since it has been living inside Berault has found that it is sufficient to go without. This kind of fabric is kind of delicate though so it is difficult to handle Berault forcefully or often. The fabric has a natural feeling to it.

Unlike most penguins, Berault, being quite small, does enjoy spending time in trees.

But, hullo, what's this?

Who could resist a patch of untouched snow?

I want to make more friends. I need to buy eyes for them first. Things will be busier from here on out. I have no time for anyone else. Sorry everyone. :-(


Post a Comment 3 comments:

Masako said...

Berault is adorable! I hope he makes a cute friend soon~

March 9, 2008 at 2:23 PM

giuseppe said...

cute he has printed skin :)

March 10, 2008 at 2:48 AM

Kris Mukai said...

Berault is wonderful!! I love the patterned back and the textures all go together very well. d(*u*

March 10, 2008 at 1:06 PM

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