I like the movement of the girl in this one. It's a nice feeling.

That's right! It's really WOW!

Yeah, I don't know either. Crazy kids at it again.
I've been drawing up a storm again. Not getting any sleep and drawing things for the past few days. I realized that my drawings were kind of different but then realized that it was because I was using a harder kind of lead that I had bought from a Korean stationery shop. The Pental HB lead is easier to use for sketching. I drew 24 pages in a day. I don't know when I'll have the time to scan all of that. Well, I think that I should start to plan a story. This time I will try to use a story board instead of thinking things out in my head and taking rough notes.
Recently I've been thinking that I want to get a tablet for the computer. It would be nice and allow me to work with more gray tones and all color illustrations. Maybe I would be able to make a comic using the computer only (though nothing can replace the feeling of the line you can achieve from a good old nib pen and black Indian ink). Does anyone have any suggestions for which model I should get? Maybe I want to try to get a WACOM. Should I spend more than 200$ for my tablet? Hmm... I realized that I can't give up drawing so I know that I will get a lot of use out of it. Also I opened a Tegaki account and want to start drawing neat things there soon. The system there is difficult to draw with a mouse. It's not like the old oekaki systems that I had mastered years ago.
Recently I've been thinking that I want to get a tablet for the computer. It would be nice and allow me to work with more gray tones and all color illustrations. Maybe I would be able to make a comic using the computer only (though nothing can replace the feeling of the line you can achieve from a good old nib pen and black Indian ink). Does anyone have any suggestions for which model I should get? Maybe I want to try to get a WACOM. Should I spend more than 200$ for my tablet? Hmm... I realized that I can't give up drawing so I know that I will get a lot of use out of it. Also I opened a Tegaki account and want to start drawing neat things there soon. The system there is difficult to draw with a mouse. It's not like the old oekaki systems that I had mastered years ago.
Post a Comment 3 comments:
I still love the original oekaki BBS :D I read Wacom's the best.. It's the one I have but not the most sensitive (pen)
Hey I am also working on developing my own way of "conceptualizing." I find the story boards (or mood boards.. for design *_*) offer a stronger lift in creating direction for ideas you've collected.
We didn't learn this at all in my courses XD I find most of my schoolwork and also the comics are done mostly out of spontaneity, but I think spontaneity is good rather as a beginning point.
May 9, 2008 at 3:02 AM
I have a Wacom, it's the smallest drawing size (and was the cheapest) but I like it just as much as the huge expensive ones. :)
Wow, I'm glad you're drawing so much but sleep is important for your health!
May 10, 2008 at 3:09 PM
giuseppe: Story boards sound like a good idea. I have done some of my best work in the heat of the moment out of spontaneity but recently I have wanted to take a more structured approach to my work.
I have a lot of fond memories with the old Oekaki BBS. :D
masako: Thank you for the advice on the Wacom! I was wondering if I should get the large tablet and hearing from you, I have decided that I could save money and get the smallest drawing size. :D
Yes! I do want to sleep, but the past few days I had some deadlines so I was up at night anyway. Drawing helped my sanity. (^^;
May 13, 2008 at 7:33 PM