I'm back-- and in one day I have made the preliminary sketches for the Ogata calender! I can't believe I'm ACTUALLY GOING TO MAKE IT OMG. *~*

I was reading Sabi's Death Note doujinshi and tried to draw for practice Ogata in the same pose as DDR Light in the book. It's so awesome! I can't draw dance moves at all. Sabi's works make me feel inferior. ;_;

This may be a part of the cover.

I don't think I will be using this in the calender, which is a pity since it's so awesome.

Yes, Ogata does play Go. I tend to forget that since I draw Ogata in so many weird situations not related to Go. That's when it's the most fun.
Yeah, these were generally the rejects. I assure you that Ogata will look more out there and gross and weird in the calender. It will be wonderful!!

Totally unrelated. :D
This is really notes for myself to keep my thoughts organized. I haven't printed something on my own in a really long time so I'm totally clueless on how I should go about getting this calender printed. It is going to be in full color (and I'm worried about how to get the bleeds done right). I'm going to have to do the coloring myself unless someone wants to help me out. *A* I need to get a tablet first (will do so next week) and figure out how to make a pop and cool calender with my limited CG skillz (currently at level 0.005).
I love Ogata but there is no way I have the creative energy to make 12 Ogatas so it's only a 6 Ogata calender with two months to one Ogata. You get: Ogata in love, Ogata snorkeling, Ogata in suits, Discogata, Bunny suits Ogata (if I can pull it off), and Christmas Ogata. The only way to describe this whole project is キモイor不気味or 'just plain weird.' If anyone wants to make a guest drawing or contribute something more so that we can have a full 12 illustration calender please let me know--- Also, also, if you want a copy, drop me a note so that I can decide how much to make. Maybe I will make print run of 30 copies. You don't even need to know who Ogata is. If you have megane or suits moe (or both) I think it might be worth your time? Yes? Yes? :D (I can't believe I'm writing about these kinds of things in my blog now. ;A; huu huu).
Err... how will I get this coloring done? *A* I have other things to do too- arggg-- But I'm kind of excited <3.
I'm back-- and in one day I have made the preliminary sketches for the Ogata calender! I can't believe I'm ACTUALLY GOING TO MAKE IT OMG. *~*

I was reading Sabi's Death Note doujinshi and tried to draw for practice Ogata in the same pose as DDR Light in the book. It's so awesome! I can't draw dance moves at all. Sabi's works make me feel inferior. ;_;

This may be a part of the cover.

I don't think I will be using this in the calender, which is a pity since it's so awesome.

Yes, Ogata does play Go. I tend to forget that since I draw Ogata in so many weird situations not related to Go. That's when it's the most fun.
Yeah, these were generally the rejects. I assure you that Ogata will look more out there and gross and weird in the calender. It will be wonderful!!

Totally unrelated. :D
This is really notes for myself to keep my thoughts organized. I haven't printed something on my own in a really long time so I'm totally clueless on how I should go about getting this calender printed. It is going to be in full color (and I'm worried about how to get the bleeds done right). I'm going to have to do the coloring myself unless someone wants to help me out. *A* I need to get a tablet first (will do so next week) and figure out how to make a pop and cool calender with my limited CG skillz (currently at level 0.005).
I love Ogata but there is no way I have the creative energy to make 12 Ogatas so it's only a 6 Ogata calender with two months to one Ogata. You get: Ogata in love, Ogata snorkeling, Ogata in suits, Discogata, Bunny suits Ogata (if I can pull it off), and Christmas Ogata. The only way to describe this whole project is キモイor不気味or 'just plain weird.' If anyone wants to make a guest drawing or contribute something more so that we can have a full 12 illustration calender please let me know--- Also, also, if you want a copy, drop me a note so that I can decide how much to make. Maybe I will make print run of 30 copies. You don't even need to know who Ogata is. If you have megane or suits moe (or both) I think it might be worth your time? Yes? Yes? :D (I can't believe I'm writing about these kinds of things in my blog now. ;A; huu huu).
Err... how will I get this coloring done? *A* I have other things to do too- arggg-- But I'm kind of excited <3.
Post a Comment 5 comments:
Megane PLUS suits?! I will certainly take one. X3
He is very キモイ but I love it~
June 10, 2008 at 1:41 AM
June 12, 2008 at 10:39 AM
Yay! I'm so glad there is support and love for the calender. XD
June 20, 2008 at 9:17 AM
OMG I HAVEn'T BEEN HERE IN SO LONG AND MY EYES CAn'T STOP cRYING TEARS OF JOY!!!!!!!!! I want OGATA fever too!! I am so pumped to celebrate Ogataday this year (*3*). I am so going to a cake shop to see if they'll draw ogata on a cake for me XD
June 23, 2008 at 5:34 PM
Yay, I'll send you all kinds of copies darling! <3 Let's make this year another wonderful Ogata day---!!
June 25, 2008 at 8:31 AM