浪漫菖蒲 / Roman shobu

An online sketch journal for the person who runs saicoink.

2008/04/13 - Alex and Flowers

We haven't seen Alex in a long while. I guess you can say Alex has an affinity with flowers and animals and other things in nature. He looks really happy here. I haven't drawn Alex very much recently.

Also I updated the website today! This update took me a really long time since I had to revamp a few things and learn some new things about CSS coding and such. I spent 5 hours trying to get the web form to work until I finally remembered that my webhost had a form to help me out with that. -_- What a waste of time! I seriously don't know how to go about working with CGI and PERL. I can't handle computer languages anymore. And to think I used to have a knack with these things. *sigh*

Anyway, I put up an order page (which gave me a whole lot of grief) so that people can easily order stuff if they wanted to. *A* Please buy something-- Uuuu.


Post a Comment 2 comments:

no said...

Alex looks so charming *A*~ a good natured boy XD?

I like your new website :D it looks really good! I especially like your new site banner :)


September 3, 2008 at 6:38 PM

saicoink said...

I love it when you do your mass commenting- because I think it's spam in my mail box but it's really not. <3

Alex is a good natured boy though he can be kind of weird too. But he cries a lot at times when people do bad things.

I'm glad you like my website. Please pimp me out. I have like no promotional skillz. ;_;

September 4, 2008 at 6:45 PM

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